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… a distribution study

qLinux from Scratch 0.2         


This is the second round to build qLinux from scratch. The following content have to be seen as a journal to document the steps to build qLinux, rather than a complete step by step tutorial. Individual steps are maybe incomplete or contains errors. However, experienced users should be able to follow the instructions and solve small issues with privileges, missing files/directories, pathes and perhaps additional compiler options (mostly search pathes)

After qLinux from Scratch 0.1 the result was a small and stable system. It was much faster than expected. Overall there were 8 core issues only, which have had to be fixed. For a first time study surprisingly. This forces us to do the next (this) turn. This is still a study, nothing more.

What are the goals for this turn?

First we want to eliminate some second level bin directories, e.g.  /qlnx/bin ,  /plng/bin , etc.. Beside the bin directories this shall happen for the  /libs/lib  directory too. It is expected to reach this goal via configure options (e.g.:  --bindir=/qlnx ).

Second the required and made changes to the sources shall be better documented in detail. Against the first round there shall not be a reference to apply a downloadable patch only. There shall be a clear and reusable description of the changes. This will be a big challenge during the build. Maybe not all will be documented well after the build.

Third we are starting with qLinux 0.1 as base system from the beginning. Thus there is no  /bin/sh  or  /dev/null  at all. From the experience of the first turn this should be work fine.

The packages are used to follow the (B)LFS 11.2 book(s), further commonly called the book. This have to be seen as a roadmap with more or less deviations. Through the build instructions there will be references to related chapters (packages) of the book. The format is for example '(6.6)', which means chapter 6.6 is the related reference in the book. Sometimes there is a reference to the book only. In such cases the (mostly trivial) instructions from the book can be used.


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