Some packages of ::gentoo have to be mask, thus we use a config file
qrtools.conf directory
The folder  /etc/portage/qrtools.conf 
will be created during the installation of utility?? and contains several config files.
: list of ebuilds which will be excluded by an emerge –sync 
, one per line. Beware that these excludes will be used for all repositories (see this page in the Gentoo Handbook for details)
: This file will be read by the qrtools post sync hook
: config file for the qrtconf utility
- rename ebuilds of ::gentoo.
Prefixes 'D:' (delete), 'R:' (rename), 'K:' (keep) (future: E - exclude from sync and delete if exist), 'P:' (patch ebuild, e.g. baselayout)
Example line:
R:mail-client/mailx D:virtual/mailx K: P:sys-apps/baselayout
Invalid lines will be ignored.
This is sometimes useful if there is a replacement in ::qrtools. Renamed packages sty in the portage tree but have been renamed with the suffix '-qrt'. (example:  mail-client/mailx-qrt 
: cleanup files and folder mostly under /etc and /var (post emerge hook)
Recommended User Settings
QRT_SYNC_OPTS="--exclude-from=/etc/portage/qrtools.conf/excludes.conf" PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS="${PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS} ${QRT_SYNC_OPTS}"
If something seems suspect  make.conf 
will be stayed untouched and options have to be added by hand. It is maybe a good point of time to clean up your  make.conf 
before you install qrtools.